Friday, 22 January 2010

Cover Shoot

Today we finished our 'First' photo shoot. It was very successful as we managed to produce most of our ideas (which included approx sixty photos). We are currently picking out the best to fit into our covers and spreads, and are tweaking them to perfection on Adobe Photoshop by cropping, shading and changing light effects on them etc. After we are happy with our final images, we shall post contrasts of before and after photos, to show how we edited them. These photos will also include a brief description of what techniques we used to adjust them.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Cover Shoot Plan

We are planning on creating a very professional shoot by using a white back drop, lighting and a good quality SLR camera. Our photography teacher has given us permission to use any equipment we need from his studio. As two of us are photography students, we should hopefully have a great advantage in the shoot. We are going into the shoot with a few basic ideas, but we will improvise and take more photos than we need. This means if we change our mind, we will have extra material to use, instead of having to do a re-run. The shoot will take place Friday 22nd 2010 approx 11am.

Cover #3

Cover #2

Cover #1

Monday, 18 January 2010

Magazine Mock up

Initial ideas. We have decided to focus on the dance/electronic genre of music, and are thus focusing on a younger, 18-30's, target audience. Our colour palette will consist of bright and vibrant colours to create lots of contrast within our magazine (i.e. green, white, black, yellow, orange, red, blue). We have also decided on a magazine name, 'Noise'. Here are a few basic sketches that we drew up...

Friday, 15 January 2010

Kieran Bouri Student Cover

Owen Wallis Student Cover

Samuel Brown Student Cover

Preliminary Task

This task was to create a magazine cover targeted to a specific audience. This audience was for teenage students and the genre of magazine had to relate to school. These are our final covers that we produced.